Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Sliding Head First

Base runners have specific instructions on how and when to slide. Most follow the rule of: if returning to the base on a pick-off attempt, slide head first. And when stealing or other base running efforts, slide feet first. Unfortunately, Josh Hamilton goes by his own rules. Or in this case, the suggestion by third base coach Dave Anderson. Hamilton is actually blaming Anderson because of his injury for sending him in the first place. But Anderson advises no head first slides, especially at home, because of the catchers equipment. So who here is to blame? The injury prone Josh Hamilton for risking the head first slide, or Anderson for sending him in the first place. If you ask Jim Leyland or Ron Washington (Tigers/Rangers' managers), Anderson made the right call to send Hamilton home, because there was no one covering home. In 12 Major League Baseball games yesterday, there were a total of 4 head first slides, and only one resulted in injury. Buster Olney has been posting nonstop on Twitter about players who slide headfirst and those who don't. Pete Rose was a player who was notorious for sliding head first at any base, but Hall of Famers like Roberto Clemente, Jackie Robinson, and Ty Cobb were not known for sliding head first. Whatever your style is on the base paths, make sure you are safe (both in the context of injuries and on base). My feelings on the matter are, slide feet first, especially if you are injury prone *Josh Hamilton*. But there are exceptions to every rule and the play at the plate can change everything. I hope Josh Hamilton has a quick and easy recovery, mainly because I need him back on my fantasy team. I also wish him luck in the rest of the 2011 season.

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