Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Jayson Werth: Shut Up!

For the past few years, I have looked to Jayson Werth as a favorite, a person I can look up to, a right handed bat that really can support the Phillies lineup, someone who looks like Michael J. Fox in the movie "Teen Wolf," and even someone who will yell at my girlfriend. But right now, I just want him to go away. Seriously! If you haven't heard, Jayson Werth signed a 7-year, $126 million contract with the Washington Nationals and is geared to play. He has been on the record several times talking about his signing, talking about being with the Nationals, and talking about the 2011 season. He's ready for the Nationals to stop constantly losing because the Nationals signed Jerry Hairston Jr., Adam LaRoche, and Rick Ankiel. Yes the Nationals have Ryan Zimmerman as well, and Bryce Harper rising through the ranks, and Stephen Strasburg recovering from an injury. I get it, but 3 players don't make a successful team Jayson, that's why I don't understand your "Everyone starts at the same position, we haven't played one game." (Not a direct quote). That doesn't change the fact that your new team's goal for the past few years is to win 81 games. All of that is in the past, but now you want to talk about the Phillies even more? The Philadelphia Inquirer had a story on Werth where he was stated saying that if the Phillies signed Cliff Lee at the end of 2009, they could have signed him after 2010. Boo-hoo Jayson Werth, you took money over your team. Don't you think they would have made some sort of offer? No? Couldn't you have found a better team with to sign with? "I obviously know the situation that I'm in," Werth said. "I chose this situation. There were other suitors and other deals. This was the one I wanted to be in. I wanted to be in that ground up situation and be part of something [good in the long run]. We build a team from where it was and take it to where I think it's going to go. That's the type of situation I wanted to be in." What a load of BS? All I know is that I look forward to the 18 game that the Phillies play against the Nationals, just so he can realize what he's missing. I will not "Boo" Jayson Werth, when he takes the field, I will cheer for him just like every other former Phillie who takes the field at Citizens Bank Park. Good Luck Jayson Werth, you're going to need it.


  1. This guy is an asshole. The reason he went to the Nationals is because they were crazy enough to pay him $126 mil. and he wanted to be the star of the team. What a jerk.

  2. I know we have discussed this before, but Adam Dunn actually produces more consistent offensive numbers. And in most cases, even better offensive numbers, other than stolen bases. Yes Werth is a better defensive player, but he should stop talking crap on the Phillies.

  3. I will cheer his initial entrance in CBP, yet ruthlessly boo his ass whenever he steps up to the plate. Looking forward to it!

  4. Exactly. Losing Dunn and getting Werth was almost a wash for the Nationals. They got no better through this trade. Plus, Dunn has proven that he's a 40 homer type guy. Werth has had two good seasons.
