Monday, March 19, 2012

Those "Amazin" Mets

What happens when you are a team owner and you invest your money in a "legitimate business" to make a quick dollar? Well ask Fred Wilpon and Saul Katz and they'll tell you that it costs approximately $162 million in payoffs to victims of Bernie Madoff's ponzi scheme. 162? That's a number that sounds awfully familiar to a baseball fan, oh wait! It's the amount of baseball games in a season, which means that the Mets owners will being paying exactly One Million Dollars per baseball game. That's money that they could have invested into Jose Reyes' contract, or the future contract of David Wright. Maybe the Mets could have signed Prince Fielder, or Albert Pujols, but no, they have to pay off money which was issued by the United States Government. Wilpon, an owner since 1980, stated, "The first order of business and the first priority will be getting down to Florida tomorrow, getting to the Spring Training camp, and trying to bring the New York Mets back to the prominence that our fans deserve and the city of New York deserves." HAH! I will certainly laugh about that one later. If New York fans want to look a team that is successful and prominent, they should look 20 minutes across the city at Yankee Stadium to see a real team play. Or at least a team that fans and the city of New York deserves. Apparently Mets fans are supposed to "stick with us." But to be honest, if I were a Mets fan, I would have stopped being a Mets fan in 2007 when their "Amazin" collapse happened. I know that this blog post may be biased with me being a Phillies fan, but you have to look at this at a standpoint of a Mets fan. How dumb could your owner be to invest in something like Bernie Madoff's "Company" which MLB restrictions go against? That is money that could be spent towards free agents, towards new contracts for great players, and hopefully towards a World Series Championship! But meanwhile, ticket prices will most likely go up, players will not sign large contracts, and prospects will be traded away. Sorry Mets fans, but things are not looking too good for your team. Talk about a great 50th Anniversary...

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